Kerry McCabe, MD




Institution: Boston Medical Center

Current Title/Rank: Vice Chair of Education, Interim Residency Program Director 

Reasons for wanting to join the CORD Board of Directors & Opinions and Priorities for the Board: CORD has been a source of support, education, and professional development throughout my career. As a member at large of the board for the past two years, I have been honored to give back to the organization, supporting PDs and programs and collaborating with other professional EM organizations to advocate for our learners and specialty. I am proud of CORD's excellent educational programming at the annual meeting and on-line, and of the innovation and responsiveness of our engaged community and leadership. The CORD staff are energized and working together smoothly, and along with the board have been working to optimize the administration of the organization, freeing up funding to reinvest into our community. 

If re-elected, I would work in concert with board members to further improvements in recruiting efforts, program support, access to materials, and professional development opportunities for our community, while staying involved in the evolution of competency-based medical education, ensuring that the broader medical community understands EM perspectives in this important conceptual framework. We will continue to advocate for our trainees with ABEM and ACGME, and hold space to develop resources to address the changing world of certification. I have enjoyed leveraging my years of experience in EM education to support this work and would be proud to continue to serve.