Leslie Oyama, MD



Institution: University of California San Diego

Current Title: Program Director 

Reasons for wanting to join the CORD Board of Directors & Opinions and Priorities for the Board: CORD has been the most impactful organization in my EM career, and I am committed to continuing to give back to both CORD and its members. From my time as Clerkship Director to APD, and now as Program Director, the support I've received from CORD has been invaluable. It was at the 2008 CORD Academic Assembly (AA) where I first experienced the profound impact of CORD, both in terms of curriculum and the connections made with colleagues facing similar challenges. This impactful experience led to 5yrs of service planning the Academic Assemblies and ultimately serving as 2022 AA Conference Chair. 

Beyond the AA, the CORD BOD has been instrumental in guiding us through the pandemic, virtual recruitment, ABEM changes and many other unexpected challenges. The BOD’s leadership has helped us navigate these critical moments and provided essential support for our specialty. It'd be an honor to be a part of this team. 

Change is inevitable and often uncomfortable and inconvenient. I am excited about the possibility of serving on the CORD BOD, where I can contribute creative ideas/solution to address the evolving challenges facing both the Board and our specialty. My goal is to help ease some of the difficulties associated with navigating these changes with tactical solutions/recommendations to ensure that we continue to thrive. As a active Program Director with experience as a Clerkship Director and APD, I will ensure that the challenges specific to these roles are well-represented in BOD discussions and decisions.