Institution: Oregon Health & Science University
Current Title:Vice Chair of Faculty Development
Vision for the CORD Board of Directors: CORD has always seemed like a home to me, a place where educators can find innovative information and support. I have thoroughly enjoyed serving on the Board of Directors since 2020. Who’d have known that a global pandemic would only be the start to a number of widespread challenges and changes facing our specialty in recent years. Serving in a leadership position during these times has pushed me to think even more critically, creatively and collaboratively about issues our organization and our members face both big and small.
I am more motivated than ever to continue to want to serve in a leadership role for the organization in order to continue working collaboratively with others to find solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing emergency medicine educators and learners and to prepare education leaders for new changes on the horizon in the emergency medicine education landscape. I also hope to continue to support our community through innovation and the development of evidence-based resources and faculty development.
I possess excellent leadership, organizational, analytical, and communication skills which will make me well-suited to the position of President-elect. I believe these skills can assist the Board of Directors in advancing our organization and our field. I am immensely proud to be part of the CORD community, and I would like to continue to work with the great minds of the CORD membership and leadership to shape emergency medicine at the national level.