Advising Students Committee in EM

Current Chairs: Jeanette Kurbedin DO, FACEP
Current Vice-Chair: Christopher San Miguel, MD
Board Liaison: Rebecca Bavolek, MD

ASC-EM’s mission is to support both medical students and their advisors as they navigate the process of applying to EM residency. We create and maintain consensus documents as resources for students and advisors to maximize success and minimize the burdens on all stakeholders. We also provide advising expertise to students and advisors alike via multiple modalities. 

Want to join ASC-EM?

Apply on the CORD website and join the ASC-EM discussion board on the CORD website. Send us an email if you need help getting involved. 

Where to start?

EMRA and CORD Student Advising Guide: An Evidence-Based Approach to Matching in Emergency Medicine

Please visit the Medical Student and Advisor Resources website for all up-to-date applying guides and resources available. 

Some other highlights!

How to Navigate Virtual Interviews

Advising UP is a guide primarily for those who are new to advising students and medical school Deans.


ASC-EM offers a living Advisor Consult Service which serves to answer specific questions related to: advising individual students, advising non-traditional students or student groups, and general advising concerns. This service is available to advisors only (Deans, clerkship directors, etc; NOT students). All conversations will remain confidential.  Please utilize us - we are here to help you!


What to expect for the 2022-2023 application year?

  1. Support and guidance on how to implement preference signaling. 
  2. Updated ASC-EM guides to reflect changes to recommendations in light of Step 1 becoming pass/fail and changes since COVID.
  3. Guidance and updated recommendations given the potentially changing competitiveness of EM.
  4. Scholarly work to help support ASC-EM recommendations.


Some Publications of our work:

Hillman, E., Lutfy-Clayton, L., Desai, S., Kellogg, A., Zhang, X., Hu, K., & Hess, J. (2017). Student Advising Recommendations from the Council of Residency Directors Student Advising Task Force. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health, 18(1). doi: 10.5811/westjem.2016.10.31296

Stobart-Gallagher, M., Smith, L., Giordano, J., Jarou, Z., Lufty-Clayton, L., Kellogg, A., & Hillman, E. (2019). Recommendations from the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors: Osteopathic Applicants. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health, 20(1).  Doi: 10.5811/westjem.2018.9.39814

Pelletier-Bui A, Van Meter M, Pasirstein M, Jones C, Rimple D.  Relationship between institutional SLOE global assessment ranking practices, interviewing practices and medical student outcomes.  AEM Education and Training. 2018; 2(2): 73-76.  doi: 10.1002/aet2.10079