CPC Semi-Final Submissions

General Instructions for CPC Case Submission

In order to access the CPC submission form, you will need to login using your CORD Website Username and Password.  All CORD members have a www.cordem.org username and password, usually your email address.  If you do not have a username and password, please follow the instructions to create a new account.  If you are a CORD member and do not know your username or password, please contact the CORD office at cord@cordem.org or 888-444-2090 for more information.

  1. The 2020 National Emergency Medicine Clinical Pathologic Case (CPC) Semi-Final Competition, will be held over two days, Sunday, March 8 & 9, 2020, at the 2020 CORD Academic Assembly in New York City.
  2. The deadline for submission of cases is Sunday, October 20, 2019, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time
  3. An entry fee of $400 is required upon acceptance of your case submission and must be paid with a credit card. 
  4. All EM residency programs are invited to submit a case.  Each residency program may submit only one case. Categorical programs and combined programs are separate programs. Therefore, a case may be submitted by a combined EM/Peds or EM/IM program, and another case may be submitted by the categorical program from the same institution.  However, two cases from the categorical program at the same institution may not be submitted. 
  5. Residency programs must not select senior residents as their case presenters, since they will have graduated before the CPC Finals Competition.
  6.  In the CPC Competition, residents participate as case presenters and faculty members participate as case discussants. The resident presents the program’s submitted case, and the faculty discussant will discuss another program’s case.
  7. Submitted cases will be reviewed (blinded) and will be judged for quality, relevance, and solvability by the CPC Committee. 
  8. Decisions regarding case selection for presentation will be made in December, and notification will be sent via email.  After confirmation, the faculty discussants will receive their assigned case in January.
  9. If a program is chosen, it is the responsibility of that program to provide a Faculty Discussant and Resident Presenter to participate at the Competition.  If, for any reason, the original Discussant and/or Presenter are unable to attend the Competition, the Program should provide a replacement or risk being disqualified from the Competition. 
  10. The selected cases will be presented on March 8 & 9, 2020, as six tracks of 12 cases each. On March 8, 2020 each track will begin at 1:00 pm and end at 5:00 pm and on March 9, 2020 each track will begin at 8:00 am and end at 12:00 pm. The exact time and date of case presentation will be determined by the CPC Committee.
  11. A “Best Discussant” and “Best Presenter” will be selected from each of the six simultaneous tracks, and will be announced during the CPC Reception, which will follow the CPC Competition.
  12. The six “Best Discussants” and “Best Presenters” will then participate in the CPC Finals Competition, which will be held during the ACEP Scientific Assembly in October 2020.  (The “best presenters” will be required to submit new cases during the summer of 2020 for presentation at the CPC Finals Competition.)
  13. Presentation does not violate any proprietary or personal rights of others (including without limitation, any copyrights or privacy rights); Presentation is factually accurate and contain no matter libelous or otherwise unlawful content;
  14. Presentation are the presenters own original work; Presenter is the sole owner of copyright; Presenter has full power to grant this license;
  15. Presenter has obtained all necessary permissions from any persons or organizations whose materials are included with the Presentation.
  16. Presenter has not previously in any manner disposed of any of the rights granted or previously granted any adverse rights;
  17. There are no rights outstanding that would diminish, encumber, or impair the full enjoyment or exercise of this license granted to the Association.
  18. The Presenter further authorized the Association to use the Presenter’s name, likeness, photograph, and biographical data in connection with the use and promotion of any aspect of the Presentation or related materials. It is understood that the Presenter will not receive any royalty or other monetary compensation from the Association for the license and subsequent use by the Association. The Presenter understands that this license does not prohibit the Presenter from using the materials in the future in the Presenter's professional or personal work.

By moving forward with the CPC Submission process you, a representative of the submitting program, agree to the terms and conditions listed above.